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Buah Merah Mix Juice
Buah Merah Mix Juice - Dr. Toshiaki Nishigaki

BUAH MERAH plants are found among the density of tropical forest, spread within cool mountain climate on 2000 - 3000 meters above sea level in Papua, Indonesia. The Latin name for Buah Merah is PANDAMUS CONOIDEUS LAM.

It has 16m height with free stand limp 5 until 8m height supported with rhizome at lower limp. Fruit shape is oval and its bud covered with fruit leaves. Red Fruit is 55cm - 100cm long, 10 - 15cm diameter, and 2 - 3 kg weight. It has bright maroon red color.

Buah Merah is a rich source of natural Vitamin E, Omega 3, 6, 9 that are important antioxidant to destroy oxygen free radicals that attack our healthy cells. The higher the level of antioxidants in our body helps to slow down aging process and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.


DR. TOSHIAKI NISHIGAKI A Japanese Chemist Doctor from Japan conducted a series of systematic investigation to prove the magnificent medicinal properties of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) in 2006. He discovered the presence of BETA-CRYPTOXANTHIN in Buah Merah. Dr. Nishigaki came from the School of Medicine, Shinshu University of Japan. He is the head of M&K Laboratories Inc. in Japan.

Buah Merah Mix is not just a marketing mumbo jumbo. It is actually a term for a red fruit that can be found in the islands of Papua New Guinea. It looks like a giant red carrot or corn. It is currently the focus of extensive researches by different medical groups right now as this particular fruit has a quite a controversial effect on the human health. So far, it has shown properties that help improve the condition of individuals who are suffering from hypertension, asthma, diabetes, skin, irritations, and heart diseases

What is Buah Merah?

Finally A Solution To Your  Nutrient Requirements

If  you are in your 20’s right now, chances are not really concerned about your health. All you really care about at this moment is living your life, earning money, and perhaps making plans for your future. However there are times that you do get sick. And these times can make you doubt yourself and look back if you are indeed taking of yourself well. These occurrences may be short, but they affect you not just physically but in terms of monetary value as well. You begin to realize that hospital check-ups are costly, and that buying medicine can eat up a good amount of your fund. Are the vitamins you are taking really enough?

Health experts have always encouraged us to eat more fruits and vegetables. This type of diet though can be expensive. In this day age, it’s a lot cheaper to just buy a cup of rice and a barbecue stick as compared to preparing a meal that contains leafy greens and vegetables. Fortunately, there is a solution that is available that you can finally take advantage of. You don’t have to consume a kilo of fruits and vegetables per day anymore just to get the nutrients that your body sincerely needs. There are supplements in the market right now like the popular Buah Merah Mix. This is a tasty drink that you can take in anytime and will fill your body with those vital vitamins and minerals.

Stop chemical healing. Go for organic way of living. The only real cure is nature. 

Synergy of Six Natural Anti-Oxidant

● Buah Merah – Beta Cryptoxanthin, rich in Vitamin E and Pro - Vitamin A. Carotenoids include alpha and Beta - Carotene.

● Wheat Grass – Contains Vitamin A and C, and has high concentrations of calcium, magnesium, potassium. Wheat grass is included in almost any supplements that you can find being sold in the market today. It is popular as number one detoxifier because of its alkalinic properties. It can also help wounds heal faster as it increases blood circulation all over the body.

● Guyabano – Contains vitamin B1, B2, and C. Has Dietary fiber as well and Potassium. Guyabano has become the subjection of attention of the entire world as it is said to be stronger than chemotherapy when it comes to curing cancer. It is a fruit famous in tropical countries.

● Moringa – This part of the ingredient addresses cardiac problems. It helps reduce bad cholesterol in the human body, ensuring the arteries will remain clear of blood clots and any impurities.

● Mangosteen – This fruit is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps people who are suffering from diabetes, heart diseases, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

● Barley – Similar to wheat grass, this particular ingredient can be found in many other supplements as well. It is effective against ulcer, myoma, arthritis, and asthma.



The Advantage of Red Fruit Oil / Buah Merah Oil:

  • Red fruit oil is safe, can be used in a long term

  • Red fruit oil is 100% natural – no side effects

  • Our red fruit oil product has been approved by the FDA Indonesia

         (No.Reg. POM TR. 053 642 731)

  • It is proven to boost immune system

  • Not too expensive but It can bring best results

  • It can be integrated with medical treatment

  • Unlike the chemos, it kills the bad without harming the good

  • Natural cures, better living

BUAH MERAH MIX will help those are suffering from:

  • High Cholesterol

  • Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Cancer

  • Asthma

  • Brochial Problem

  • Diabetes

  • Prostrate Problem

  • Poor Memory

  • Constipation

  • Stroke

  • Urinary Tract Infection

  • Weak Body

  • Anemic

  • Back Pain

  • Lupus

  • Goiter

  • Myoma

  • Other Degenerative diseases



Recommended Intakes/Dosage of Buah Merah Mix

Take Buah Merah Mix 30-60 minutes before meal

For Daily Immune Boosting and Health Maintenance
1 bottle cap of Buah Merah Mix plus 1 glass of water 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner.

For Minor Sickness Like Colds and Flu
2 to 3 bottle caps of Buah Merah Mix plus 1 glass of water 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner.

For Various Chronic Illnesses
(Like Cancer, High blood pressure/Hypertension, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Asthma, Cyst, Anemia, Lupus, Psoriasis, Bronchial, Prostate problem, Thyroid problem, Liver problem, Kidney problem, Ovarian problem, Heart Problem, Goiter, Myoma and Other Degenerative Diseases)

1/3 bottle of Buah Merah Mix approximately 7 bottle caps or 100mlof Buah Merah Mix plus 1 glass of water 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Drinking 1 glass of water after taking Buah Merah Mix is very important. This also helps you improve digestions.

Buah Merah Mix Juice -  Essensa Naturale Awards
Buah Merah Mix Juice
Buah Merah Mix Juice - How to Prepare Buah Merah Mix

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